The ERA-NET Coordinating Action in Plant Sciences (ERA-CAPS) will issue its second Transnational Call for Proposals for Collaborative Research Projects on January 14th, 2014.
The Call Notice will be published at www.eracaps.org and relevant sources of information. The following agencies have already confirmed their participation in the call: FWF (Austria), FWO (Belgium – Flanders), F.R.S.-FNRS (Belgium - FWB), DASTI (Denmark), DFG (Germany), MTA-OTKA (Hungary), LZA (Latvia), MBIE (New Zealand), RCN (Norway), NCBiR (Poland), FCT (Portugal), MPNTR (Serbia), BBSRC (U.K.), NSF (USA).
The following participations are still pending: MIUR (Italy), France (Agency to be decided), MOARD (Israel).
For more information, please refer to the full text of the pre-announcement here.
Correction: As opposed to an earlier communication, the participation in the 2nd call of the Israeli partner organisation MOARD should be considered as pending.