Management framework
ERA-CAPS has a clearly defined management structure designed to facilitate the smooth-running of the programmes and ensure that the objectives are met. The management framework is based on a two-tiered structure, supported by a central office.
Programme Coordination Office
The Programme Coordination Office (PCO) established a secretariat at the coordinators location (BBSRC, UK). The PCO has the following responsibilities:
- To be the central point of contact for the network
- The coordination and follow up of networking activities
- Follow up of all cross work programs and horizontal issues
- Preparation and follow up of the High-Level Group and Management Board meetings
- Liaising with the Scientific Advisory Body
- Provision of day-to-day administrative support to the consortium management
- Reporting and audit requirements of the European Commission
High-Level Group
The High-Level Group (HLG) is composed of high level representatives from each
consortium partner. The HLG has the overall responsibility for:
- taking strategic decisions
- monitoring the work performed regarding overarching objectives
- approval of certain high-impact documents
- approval of the final lists of projects to be funded through any joint calls
In addition, along with the Management Board, the HLG also has a general responsibility for the dissemination of information and promotion of the program.
Management Board
The Management Board (MB) is composed of program managers from each partner and is chaired by the central coordinator. The MB is responsible for:
- monitoring progress regarding individual deliverables and milestones
- ensuring coordination of tasks between work packages do not give rise to problems.
- making operational decisions
- implementing the strategic decisions taken by the HLG.
Scientific Advisory Body
The Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) is composed of eminent scientists (8-12) from partner countries as well as other countries, including those outside of Europe. The SAB is responsible for:
- providing advise the HLG and MB about matters relating to scientific topic or content.
- assessing the progress and results of the funded projects by reviewing mid-term and final reports.
Organisations who were unable to commit to being a full partner at the start of the network but who have an interest in the content of this programme, are offered observer status. This allows them access to the information gathered during the program, and to the intranet. Representatives from organizations with observer status are also invited to attend meetings at the discretion of the Program Coordination Office (on the advice of the HLG and MB). The main differences between observers and full partners are that Observers will not have any voting rights and will not receive funds for staff resource (‘person months’).
Gender and equality
At all levels of administration and management ERA-CAPS is dedicated to promoting equal opportunities. Many of the partners have formally implemented national strategies to ensure gender balance and reduce various other forms of discrimination. ERA-CAPS has adopted and promotes these policies to augment fair working arrangements throughout all levels of the network activity.