The Biorefinery for Food, Fuel and Materials symposium will be held on April 7-10 2013, at the Hof van Wageningen, The Netherlands. The meeting is hosted by Wageningen UR (University & Research centre) in cooperation with INRA (France).
Meeting content
• Biorefineries
• Crops and agroproduction
• Processing
• Feed, Food, Fuel and Materials
• Chains and valorisation
• 1 November 2012 - Deadline abstracts oral presentations
• 15 December 2012 – Deadline abstracts and posters
• 1 March 2013 – Deadline early bird registration
Target audience
This event offers an excellent opportunity for researchers, industry representatives and end-users from Europe, North America, Asia and Africa, interested in the development of (the whole chain) Biorefinery for Food and Fuel.
Contact and registration