First ERA-CAPS joint research call: “Expanding the European Research Area in Molecular Plant Sciences”.
The new ERA-NET in molecular plant sciences, ERA-CAPS (Coordinating Action in Plant Sciences) will soon launch its first joint call. The call is foreseen to be opened in the middle of November 2012 and should be closed by middle of February 2013.
14 funding organisations from 14 countries are participating: Austria (FWF), Belgium (F.R.S.-FNRS), Denmark (DASTI), France (INRA), Germany (DFG), Israel (MOARD), Italy (MIUR), Latvia (LZA), The Netherlands (NWO), Norway (RCN), Poland (NCBiR), Portugal (FCT), Serbia (MPNTR), and United Kingdom (BBSRC).
It is expected that the call will provide funds in the order of 18 million Euros across the participating funders.
Project consortia should consist of a minimum of three partners from three different countries, at least two of them being a participating ERA-CAPS partner or observer country.
For more details, see ERA-CAPS calls