The Saclay Plant Sciences LabEx (www6.inra.fr/saclay-plant-sciences/), is organizing a conference entitled : SPS Conference 2013: Plant signalling in a changing environment. Registration will be open from October 1st, 2012
Learn more on the conference at http://www6.inra.fr/saclay-plant-sciences/Actualites/2012/SPS-Conference-2013-Plant-signalling-in-a-changing-environment
For more information, please contact:
Françoise Vedele
Institut Jean-Pierre Bourgin, UMR 1318 INRA-AgroParisTech
Bâtiment 3
INRA Centre de Versailles-Grignon
Route de St-Cyr (RD10)
78026 Versailles cedex France
tel: + 33(0)1 30 83 36 56/ +33(0)6 80 03 16 44
email: Francoise.Vedele@versailles.inra.fr
As sessile organisms, all plants have the capacity to sense and respond to changing conditions in their environment to appropriately modify their development and physiology. During land colonization, different plant species have used diverse strategies to cope with largely variable environmental conditions. Although a great amount of knowledge has been accumulated in many areas of plant biology, the molecular mechanisms underlying signaling and adaptation to the environment are still largely unclear. It is the aim of this conference to discuss the latest discoveries on how plants respond to changes in their abiotic and biotic environmental conditions. The conference will look at different strategies revealed by studying natural variation, highlighting novel insights into the genetic and epigenetic mechanisms, and showcase how this knowledge can be applied to improve crop production to meet the needs of the future.