The applicants that participated in the full proposal stage will soon be notified of the result of their proposal. The list of funded projects will be available in May through the link:
This Second ERA-CAPS Call was implemented in two steps including a pre-proposal and full proposal stage. By the closing date of 14th March 2014, 142 pre-proposals were submitted. On 7/8th May, the 140 eligible pre-proposals were considered by the Review Panel taking into account the criteria as set out in the Call Notice. The 62 consortia that received the highest scores were invited to submit a full proposal by 18th July 2014. The overall requested budget by these 62 consortia was 86,5 M EUR and the proposals involved 292 teams, requesting funding from 15 funding organisations in 14 countries. Moreover, teams from 8 non-funding countries also participated securing their own funding. The Review Panel of the full proposal stage took place in November 2014 and resulted in a ranking of the proposals. Subsequently, the delegation of funders looked into the recommendations of the panel and moderated the number of fundable proposals in view of the available funds. The research theme that was most commonly addressed by the proposals was food security followed by biotic/abiotic stresses and adaptation to a changing climate.